Sunday, January 29, 2012

365 week #4

Day #22: FOOD
I love oreos. I was enjoying them for desert one night, and--as it turns out--I am a fabulous accidental placer of cookies! :)

Whenever a car pulls up into the driveway to park, our cat runs out and jumps on the hood before you can even get the car off. He meows and meows at you for no reason. It's pretty funny. So my headlights were still on and he was sitting in there and I now keep my camera in my car so I snapped this picture of his silhouette.

 Day #24: WATER
It rained one night while I was driving home from volleyball. I had my camera in my car and snapped this shot through the windshield. The light behind is the "porch light" that is on one side of our garage.

 Day #25: LOOKING UP
I was sitting on the couch looking up and I thought it was kind of funny that one light was out and the others were fine. You know sometimes you don't notice or don't realize that a lightbulb has gone out and when you finally put in a new one, the room is WAY bright? I always loved when that happened for some reason...

This is a coaster that we have on our table downstairs. I didn't really like them when my mom first bought them except for the cool cursive in the background, but with use I think they have some cool character to them.

Okay, I stretched this a little. This isn't technically what you think of as a house, but it's the Club V "house". This is the bathroom and everyone who plays volleyball for Club V has signed this wall. I wish you could see it in person cuz' it's pretty dang awesome.

 Day #28: PEOPLE
These are my nephew's "toesies". I was taking a picture of him and he wanted to know what I was doing. I took this picture and showed it to him and then he kept asking me to take another picture and kept looking at it and would smile and ask me to take another one! :)

It's crazy that it's already been four weeks of a new year. Keep it comin! :)


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