Sunday, January 15, 2012

365 week #1 and #2

This week will have 14 pictures because I forgot had very important things to do that couldn't be overlooked...
anyway, here they are! :)

*Day #1: CLOSE-UP
My family and I went to a green house to get some things for the bonsai tree that my brother got for Christmas. They had some of the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen! :)

*Day #2: PEOPLE

 These three go together. My sister and brother and I walked to a pond in our area. It was frozen over and there was still snow from a few weeks before because the tall trees and hills blocked the sun. My sister is throwing ice onto the pond and my brother is wearing/eating his... :)

*Day #3: VEHICLE
 My sister is a silly one... she wanted to plank on top of our car...why not?

I was just playing around with my camera. I went out to a semi-busy road one night and just used long exposure and waved my camera around to get funky light swirls. :)

This one isn't very exciting. I just sat in front of our oven and took my picture.

*Day #6: COLOR
I was doing a little bit of beading and I had them on a piece of paper so I could slide the ones I didn't use back into their container. The light from a window was shining and I thought it looked cool.

This is a bed frame that is sitting in our family room (for reasons that will be revealed in due time) and the sun was setting and I though the light coming through looked pretty cool.

I went out to a kind of bay near where I live while the weather was still nice
(January/Utah/Nice Weather???) and got some really nice pictures of the sunset on the water and stuff. This sunflower was one of the only ones left.

*Day #9: PEOPLE
My brother and dad went fishing a week after Christmas and this is what they brought back...haha! not much!

*Day #10: CLOSE UP
This is my kitty-cat "Sneaker". So named for his jumpy and sneaky personality. 

*Day #11: NATURE
My neighbors have rose bushes galore and I went out and took a few pictures of them.

*Day #12: WATER
This was a river that runs into said pond. We went on a walk up there a couple days ago and I took some pictures.

It finally snowed!!! This was after one round of shoveling and before the last!

This is the doorknob of the Salt Lake Temple. The night we went to see the lights both my parents had to work so it was just us kids. So later, after all the old kids were long gone, we went with my parents and that's when I took this picture.

*These two weeks, the pictures were NOT  in the order that I took them. I was pretty scrambled so I just uploaded them without thinking about the order. I'll be better next week! :)


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