Sunday, January 29, 2012

365 week #4

Day #22: FOOD
I love oreos. I was enjoying them for desert one night, and--as it turns out--I am a fabulous accidental placer of cookies! :)

Whenever a car pulls up into the driveway to park, our cat runs out and jumps on the hood before you can even get the car off. He meows and meows at you for no reason. It's pretty funny. So my headlights were still on and he was sitting in there and I now keep my camera in my car so I snapped this picture of his silhouette.

 Day #24: WATER
It rained one night while I was driving home from volleyball. I had my camera in my car and snapped this shot through the windshield. The light behind is the "porch light" that is on one side of our garage.

 Day #25: LOOKING UP
I was sitting on the couch looking up and I thought it was kind of funny that one light was out and the others were fine. You know sometimes you don't notice or don't realize that a lightbulb has gone out and when you finally put in a new one, the room is WAY bright? I always loved when that happened for some reason...

This is a coaster that we have on our table downstairs. I didn't really like them when my mom first bought them except for the cool cursive in the background, but with use I think they have some cool character to them.

Okay, I stretched this a little. This isn't technically what you think of as a house, but it's the Club V "house". This is the bathroom and everyone who plays volleyball for Club V has signed this wall. I wish you could see it in person cuz' it's pretty dang awesome.

 Day #28: PEOPLE
These are my nephew's "toesies". I was taking a picture of him and he wanted to know what I was doing. I took this picture and showed it to him and then he kept asking me to take another picture and kept looking at it and would smile and ask me to take another one! :)

It's crazy that it's already been four weeks of a new year. Keep it comin! :)


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fashion #5 and It's been a week... sue me. :) sorry. 

if you haven't noticed before, I am a fan of the whole black and blue thing in fashion. I really loved this dress and these chic shoes that are a little more sophisticated. the big necklace is a nice touch too, I think.
I really like turquoise and I really like lace, but I don't REALLY love this outfit. When I made it, I thought it was okay, but now that I look at it, I don't think it's my favorite ever. Sorry to disappoint!

I hope you all had a good week. I had a good one-but busy. I finally have a job and it's just a couple hours three times a week and still I'm feeling swamped! It's good to have lots to do though...I get more done.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fashion #4

Hello again!

I don't think I'm really mentioned this before...I love lace. Seriously. I saw these lace TOMS the other day and I about fainted, SO. CUTE. I really like the barely off-white lace because it has such a vintage/worn look to it. Paired with brown, I think it looks really classic.

This one is kinda fun. I'm a huge fan of white pants, if you wear it the right way. I might want this lacy overlay to be a little longer if it were me, but oh well. I love the bows on the shoes, and I think the earrings are fun and sort of downplay the "sophistication" of the lacy shirt, what do you think?

Wishing you all a wonderful week! :)


365 week #3

Day #15: FOOD
This is some oil in a big pot. The flash kept glaring but the oil looked really cool. It kinda got a crackle look underneath the surface that looked really cool.

This was a bit of a hurried one as you can tell...not my best self portrait ever. I just really liked these two colors together so I thought I'd take a picture.

Day #17: FOOD
This is my daily meal. I have a green apple and cheese its almost every day for lunch. Just for the record, I'm addicted to cheese its which is why my mom separates the large bag into little portions and hides them so I can only have one a day. :(

Hardly impressive architecture, but I just thought it was kind of funny that the seam where these two pieces meet is so off-center.

I went to a cabin with some girls and these gorgeous lanterns were mounted by the doors inside. I love their charm and character.

Day #20: NIGHT
Although technically you wouldn't call this "night", it's close enough. It finally snowed again and I went out right before sunset to take some pictures.

This is one of our cute little snowmen. My mom doesn't put out any snowmen until January. I like the idea because after you take Christmas decorations down, the house just feels empty. So this is one of the lucky guys that adorns the top of our piano!

Still going strong! :)


Sunday, January 15, 2012

365 week #1 and #2

This week will have 14 pictures because I forgot had very important things to do that couldn't be overlooked...
anyway, here they are! :)

*Day #1: CLOSE-UP
My family and I went to a green house to get some things for the bonsai tree that my brother got for Christmas. They had some of the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen! :)

*Day #2: PEOPLE

 These three go together. My sister and brother and I walked to a pond in our area. It was frozen over and there was still snow from a few weeks before because the tall trees and hills blocked the sun. My sister is throwing ice onto the pond and my brother is wearing/eating his... :)

*Day #3: VEHICLE
 My sister is a silly one... she wanted to plank on top of our car...why not?

I was just playing around with my camera. I went out to a semi-busy road one night and just used long exposure and waved my camera around to get funky light swirls. :)

This one isn't very exciting. I just sat in front of our oven and took my picture.

*Day #6: COLOR
I was doing a little bit of beading and I had them on a piece of paper so I could slide the ones I didn't use back into their container. The light from a window was shining and I thought it looked cool.

This is a bed frame that is sitting in our family room (for reasons that will be revealed in due time) and the sun was setting and I though the light coming through looked pretty cool.

I went out to a kind of bay near where I live while the weather was still nice
(January/Utah/Nice Weather???) and got some really nice pictures of the sunset on the water and stuff. This sunflower was one of the only ones left.

*Day #9: PEOPLE
My brother and dad went fishing a week after Christmas and this is what they brought back...haha! not much!

*Day #10: CLOSE UP
This is my kitty-cat "Sneaker". So named for his jumpy and sneaky personality. 

*Day #11: NATURE
My neighbors have rose bushes galore and I went out and took a few pictures of them.

*Day #12: WATER
This was a river that runs into said pond. We went on a walk up there a couple days ago and I took some pictures.

It finally snowed!!! This was after one round of shoveling and before the last!

This is the doorknob of the Salt Lake Temple. The night we went to see the lights both my parents had to work so it was just us kids. So later, after all the old kids were long gone, we went with my parents and that's when I took this picture.

*These two weeks, the pictures were NOT  in the order that I took them. I was pretty scrambled so I just uploaded them without thinking about the order. I'll be better next week! :)


Friday, January 13, 2012

Frame Turned Jewelry Holder

I bought a plain black frame at DI for $2 a couple months ago, and this is what I had planned to do with it. I didn't get around to doing it until now, though.
I spray painted a layer of white so I wouldn't have to hand paint so many layers of the cream. This is the squiggle of paint and I just used a foam brush.
this is the frame all painted.
I went outside and found a stick and broke it to the length I needed it to be. Then I painted it with some teal that we had.
I took a piece of sandpaper and rubbed on the edges and then the surface to scratch it up a little. The black showed up behind it and I think it added a lot of character.
It almost killed me to shun my glue gun, but I knew down the road I would want something more sturdy, even if it didn't dry very fast. :)
I laid the stick across and clamped it down with two of my dads clamps to let it dry.
There was a little extra because I didn't really know how much I would need so it kind of took a while to dry.
I bought this a little while back and it matched the paint really well so this is what I used for the earring hangings.
here's the whole thing (I just hadn't put my necklaces on it yet, obviously).
these are all of my dangly earrings. I just keep all of my studs stuck in a piece of foam...maybe I'll have to do something about that... :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fashion #3

I really like this outfit. you basically can't go wrong with black and baby blue! add in a little leopard print and you've got yourself an awesome outfit! this could be used with the blazer or without it. I think with the blazer you have a more sophisticated (maybe business?) look, while without it, it's really just fun! :)

i'm all for the bold-colored pants. I love the statement they give. I like that the white bow on the shirt and I think it kind of balances out the color so the red pants don't outweigh whats on top. I thought the red headpiece was an interesting point on it as well.

hope you are all having a wonderful day!


Monday, January 9, 2012

I knoooowwww...

boy, oh boy.

I got really sick for a few days, and then I didn't post pictures because I was busy yesterday. Surprisingly enough, I have actually taken a picture everyday, and plan to continue doing so. It just won't be posted today.

I also missed fashion because I was sick, so that's what this will be! :)

here's another little country number for ya! :) my style is simple, but I think it's cute. What do you think?

I'm really a lover of anything lace. I just love it. I also love me some retro-ish, oldies but not too oldie clothes. I could've done a different shoe but I think the "mary-jane" type look complete the whole look well.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

365 Day Project!

I'm starting a 365 photography project. Yup! One picture a day for a whole year. I thought about having 12 categories (one for each month) but decided that I would just get as many as I could think of (17) categories which are:

Close-up (outside)
Around the house
Self portraits
Dramatic light
Objects outside
Looking up
Black and white


  • I can't go outside of the categories.
  • I may not have more than four in one category per month.
  • I have to have at least one photo in each category per month. 
  • I'll post once a week on Sundays. 
This is gonna be pretty challenging so wish me luck!

*NOTE: I have the right to fudge stretch the reason why a picture fits into any category.

Oh, and Happy New Year to you all! Remember that our attitudes are more powerful than our situations...make 2012 the best!