Monday, November 16, 2015

A Big Problem...

Two separate experiences regarding the same matter have recently brought my attention to a big problem this week. Yes, I have a problem. In different ways, two people have called me out on it, and it's really time to face it. It's frustrating because it seems that no matter how hard I try to change/fix it, I just can't seem to get past it. Almost like it's...permanently part of who I am. To make it worse, I've been like this almost since the day I was born. You may be curious about what it is and I have to admit that I'm feeling that maybe getting it out there will help the situation, so here it is:

I'm tall. Yes, you heard me. Despicable, I know. I feel so much better already just having typed that, feeling like this may finally be the beginning to my recovery. I will now relate to you the two experiences that really brought this all to light for me and showed me the true error in my ways.

First, I was walking down a hallway in a church located in a different state. A shorter-than-average man exited from the bathroom right as I passed. I could see from my peripheral vision that he was staring at me as we continued to walk in the same direction. Feeling uncomfortable, I finally turned my head to look at him. He was then so kind as to make me aware of my flaw and graciously said, "You're too tall." I replied, "Oh, really? I'm too tall. Well, sorry about that." I must admit that I did not have the humble attitude with which I now see the error of my ways and this caused me to respond somewhat sarcastically. The matter was ended as we went our separate ways.

The second experience happened just yesterday. I was at yet another church function where I sat down next to a girl who I know but am not close with. We had a fairly standard "small talk" conversation and sometime within the exchange the subject of my flaw was once again brought up when she asked how tall I was. I responded with my regular shrug and answered, "About 6'1" with no shoes." She was then so kind as to reply with an extremely heartfelt and sympathetic "I'm so sorry," with real pity in her eyes.

The reason I was so shocked about these two incidents is because I'd never heard anything like it before. Of course, I've always known I was tall but nothing in my experiences in life or with others had ever led me to believe that it was such a huge problem. Honestly.

  •  Never once has anyone assumed I'm older than I am because of my height.
  • My height is never the first thing people notice about me, without fail or exception.
  • No one ever says "you're tall" out of the blue as though I don't already know it.
  • People have never asked me if I play basketball because of my height.
  • Shorter people never feel the need to joke about the "air up there."
  • Strangers are much too polite to stare at me as I walk around in public.
  • I've never had any problems with finding clothing that fits correctly.
  • Shower heads are always high enough for the water to actually hit the top of my head.
  • Travelling on airplanes is a breeze and so comfortable, especially when people lean their seats back.
  • I never feel like I have to slouch at movie theaters or while standing at concerts because people never, ever make rude comments about not being able to see.
  • Beds have always been plenty long for me, so my feet never hang off the end.
  • Public mirrors never cut my head and/or feet off.
  • I've never been asked to reach things off of top shelves at grocery stores by total strangers.
  • "One size fits all" clothing is always a perfect fit.
  • Nobody has ever called my (fellow sinner) friend and I "amazon women." In an elevator. To our faces.
  • I've always been able to stand in the front row for pictures.
  • I've never been used as a shade from the sun for short people.
  • No one has ever whispered about "that huge girl" in the halls of my high school while I could hear them.
  • Tall guys never go after the short girls.
  • None of my friends have ever compared me to a giraffe (or perhaps on an unrelated note, a hippo).
  • Adults never assured me that all the boys would catch up by high school, and all the boys totally did.
  • No one has ever accused me of being shallow for wanting to date guys taller than me.
  • No one is related to a couple in which the girl is taller than the boy, nor do they ever feel the need to tell me about it with a little *wink* *wink.*
  • Hugging people is never, ever awkward.
  • I've never googled the height of a famous man only to find out I'm a solid 6 inches taller.
  • I always fit in every single desk I've ever tried to sit in.
  • I've never been able to see over the tops of public bathrooms stalls/changing rooms...good thing because that would be really awkward for everyone.

You get the idea. But now what? What can we all do to help those who suffer? I know it might be hard to believe, but tall people usually have NO IDEA of the offense they are giving others, so it's important that every person of average or less-than-average height make it their personal mission in life to always tell tall people that they're tall.

It might seem silly, or even rude sometimes but I promise we will all vastly appreciate the daily reminder of our height. If you can add just a hint of pity or even a little disgust to your voice, it can be very effective. Also, every time you talk to us, try to sneak it into the conversation somewhere so we have a chance of taking the hint. After all, it's scientific fact that our brains don't always function correctly due to the lack of oxygen experienced at our higher elevation, so our bodily proprioception is affected and we can't tell that we stand a head above everyone else.

I know that if we all come together on this issue, we can make wrong things right. Actually, maybe we can't because history and science tell us the world population as a whole is getting taller. Only time will tell if that's a change people can live with. So far, it's not looking good.

***Just in case anyone thinks I'm actually suffering either from bitterness or real anxiety over my height, I am not. Like I said, this has been my condition basically since I was born so trust me when I say I'm used to, and even comfortable with, being a real live amazon woman.*** 

****A search for "tall" in google resulted in the images you see here****


  1. Hey, we have a couple in our ward where the woman is several inches taller than..... Oh. Wait.

  2. In our household we love Kayla ...and I have never felt awkward hugging you...although I feel the guy in the picture looks way to much like me (a midget ) I may be offended... lol. We love you .
