Sunday, November 4, 2012

365 Week #35

These are all from my trip to Baltimore, Maryland. I went there for a college visit for volleyball.

Just pretty red doors on a church we saw downtown.


Day #240: PEOPLE

Day #241: VEHICLES
This car was putting along the old streets and it was really stalled right here and was jerking and lerching while whoever was driving was trying to get it started... :)

Don't you just love old, red brick?!

Day #243: WATER
It's a little washed out, but this was a dock out in the water and the buildings on the other side of the bay.

Day #244: LOOKING UP
You come around a bend on the free way and the DC temple is just looming (that has sort of a negative connotation but I couldn't think of a better word...) above the trees. It is huge. When you get closer it's even more majestic. Truly incredible.

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