Sunday, November 25, 2012


So here's the deelio...I've apparently used up all my storage on this here old blogger, and...I'm not sure what to do... for the past little while I've been eeking out the very last of what's left, uploading one picture at a time, but it is not longer working.

I'm not going to buy storage because I'm a poor seventeen year old

I can't not show pictures considering I'm almost done with my 365 project...

I may be moving to somewhere else even though that is a HUGE pain... the blank space that I'm sending this out to, it may be a while...but you're used to it. :)


Monday, November 5, 2012

What If I Am The One

Saving A City

You know Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities in the bible? Well, I was thinking about how Abraham asks if God will destroy the righteous along with the wicked and then asks if, 50 then 40, 30, 20, 10 righteous people would keep God from destroying the city. I think that if Abraham had asked if one righteous person could save it, God would've said yes.

What if I am that one?

Okay, so there are lots of righteous people, I know. But there are also a lot that are NOT doing good things. So what if you were the person that would save a city right now if you were righteous. Would you have done enough in your life up to this exact moment that would mean God would save a city just for you?

Have I lived my life in a way that when it came to be considered "righteous" I would fit the bill?

Just something I was thinking about.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

365 Week #37

Day #252: NIGHT
My brother, sister-in-law, and two nephews all moved to Washington D.C. at the end of the summer. We did sparklers with them their last night here :).

Day #253: CLOSE UP

Day #254: COLORS
Sneak prepared! ("Mufasa, mufasa, mufasa!")

Day #255: NATURE
I saw my kitty out there sleeping and tried to take a picture from the back porch without him catching me, but he woke up--halfway.

Day #256: NATURE
Beautimus leaves! I love fall.

Day #257: NATURE
The last of our flowers...

I actually did my hair one day, so I decided I needed official documentation. :)

365 Week #36

Day #245: WATER
My sister's skipping rocks at Pineview Resevoir. We kinda skipped over a vacation this summer because of our busy schedules but we went up for a long weekend and went to the lake all the days but Sunday.

Day #246: CLOSE-UP
Looks like we went to the beach! :) 

Day #247: PEOPLE
My lovely sister on our hike!

Day #248: NATURE
The leaves were already changing up there! :)

Day #249: NATURE
We went on a drive on Sunday and got out and walked around for a while. This lady had a gorgeous garden in her front yard.

Day #250: PEOPLE
My sister, once again, swimming on Monday before we went home. We all swam but she and I just liked to lay in the shallow part and see who could throw rocks the furthest, haha.

Day #251: NATURE
On our drive home, we passed this house with a meadow of flowers as their front yard....I leaned out the window to get a picture :)

365 Week #35

These are all from my trip to Baltimore, Maryland. I went there for a college visit for volleyball.

Just pretty red doors on a church we saw downtown.


Day #240: PEOPLE

Day #241: VEHICLES
This car was putting along the old streets and it was really stalled right here and was jerking and lerching while whoever was driving was trying to get it started... :)

Don't you just love old, red brick?!

Day #243: WATER
It's a little washed out, but this was a dock out in the water and the buildings on the other side of the bay.

Day #244: LOOKING UP
You come around a bend on the free way and the DC temple is just looming (that has sort of a negative connotation but I couldn't think of a better word...) above the trees. It is huge. When you get closer it's even more majestic. Truly incredible.

365 Week #34

Because I am sooooooo (x 1 million) behind, I'm gonna post these in sevens instead of all in one, massive post. I'll try to be caught up within the week with my posting.

Here we go:

 Day #231: VEHICLES
Shoddy workmanship...someone tried to saran wrap my car. No comment...

Day #232: NATURE


 Day #234: CLOSE UP

 Day #235: FOOD

Day #236: CLOSE UP

 Day #237: NATURE