Sunday, March 18, 2012

365 week #11

These are my "glues". There is spray glue, modge podge, wood clue, fabric clue, double stick foam tape, and E-6000. Obviously, I use a lot of glue...

Day # 72: PEOPLE
This is actually on of the covers of my dad's scripture case. My brother served an LDS mission in Argentina and brought these incredible leather scripture cases back for my parents. This is burnt in, and the other side is a picture of Joseph Smith. On my mom's, there is a picture of the Mesa, Arizona temple where they got married, and Christ.

Day #73: NATURE
This is our lawn. I know that in the winter, everyones lawn kinda dies, but this is elevated. My dad sprayed it with what he thought was liquid fertilizer, but was really weed killer. So, he killed our lawn, haha. Now with the nicer weather, people lawns are starting to perk up a bit...not ours. :)

Day #74: FOOD
Ah, kiwis. I LOVE when my mom buys kiwis! We've been having strawberries and kiwis almost every night for dinner, and they are so unbelievably delicious!

Day #75: CLOSE-UP
My. Fair. Lady. I love this movie! It's soooo good, and the ending is just so adorable! Audrey Hepburn is incredible and I love Rex Harrison as Higgins! 

Day #76: COLOR
Last night while I watched "It Takes Two", I decided I wanted to color. So I printed a design off of the internet and colored away!

This is my i-pod that is not black. It's actually sitting on the cover of a project that I'm doing for English. This is considered pretty old-school for an i-pod but it does what I need it too. I also haven't put new songs on it for probably two years, but that's okay. I'm kind of a "steady" girl when it comes to music. I don't like a lot of the new "music" that is popular right now anyway... 

Have a fabulous week!


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