Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Japanese Proverb

So, I did this a while back, I just haven't had time to post until now.

I bought this frame at D.I. because it was kind of a shadow box type.
 I don't know why anyone buys frames from anywhere but D.I. (or some kind of thrift store) because none of their frames are ever more than like, 5 bucks. Come on.
 It had an interesting back which I had to remove.
 My X-acto knife was perfect for the job!
 Except apparently some soul felt it necessary to smother the ENTIRE back with gorilla glue to ensure that that back stayed on for a million years.
After some serious peeling and scraping, I had removed all the backing from around the edges to reveal the staples.
 I grabbed a normal knife and yanked all those suckers out.
I wanted to cover the picture with white paper but the picture showed through so I slapped a couple layers of white paint on there. YES, I could've just layered the paper until the picture didn't show through anymore, but I didn't think of that until after I didn't uh...want to. What of it?
 These were my practice branches.
 I cut out some little flowers on my Cricut and curled the edges up with a pencil. I glued them onto my final branch.
 I found a japanese proverb that says "a bit of fragrance clings to those who give the flowers" and I thought that went well with the little blossoms. I wrote it out in pencil first OF COURSE.
 Then traced over it with a marker.
 And here it is!
 I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but there ya go!

Have a good week!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

365 week #12, 13, 14, and 15

I know, I know. I'm a terrible blogger. These last four weeks have been so busy none of these pictures are in order at all! 

Day #78: COLORS 

It's a tradition in our house to paint Easter chocolates. We have a bunch of different colors that we paint the molds with, and then my mom makes coconut filling and peanut butter filling and we make chocolates.

Day #79: FOOD
These are seriously the most delicious apples to grow on the planet. They are so tart but really sweet and crunchy and big and juicy. Yum!

Day #80: NATURE
I thought this was fitting for spring. It's about all that IS growing in our yard (more about that later!)

Day: #81: VEHICLES
Oh, the old V-dub. It's a decent car, it's just not made for tall people. I can't even sit up straight in the seat because my head rubs...ridiculous.

This is the lovely rear bumper of a trailer my dad uses to haul soil and other stuff around. It reminds me of the Rust-eze cars on "Cars" with their rusty bumpers and Fred that is shedding rust. :)

This is the road. If I had an even better lens, I could get even closer. I just think that it's so cool how different things look when you are so close-up.

Day #84: NATURE
These tulips are so cool! All their petals are yellow with streaks of red (or are they red with streaks of yellow?) and they just remind me of fire!

We keep this bucket under our rain drain and my dad uses the water for our fish tank that is the home to our goldfish, turtle, and various other little fishies.

I've been so busy I was afraid I would miss getting a picture of the blossoms. I don't feel like this is the best picture ever, but it's decent. I LOVE blossoms sooooo much! The smell is so heavenly and they are just gorgeous.

Day #87: COLOR
I put this under color because it's basically all there is in the yard. Last fall, my dad (who is a master gardner) "fertilized" the lawn...with weedkiller. So basically, in this lovely spring weather, all our neighbors have lovely, luscious green grass, and we have...this.

Day #88: NATURE
Tree bark! Nothing shows texture more than a little tree bark.

You may have heard about the wind storm in Davis County back in December. We really didn't have a whole lot of damage, but I was walking up to our porch one day and glanced over and saw these. I hadn't even noticed, but there are a few patches here and there that probably need to be prepared.

 I literally turned my camera upside-down, and stuck it under our porch light. It took me a couple tries to get it focused and some-what centered-ish. I thought it was funny that one of the screws was off...typical of our house..

A beehive in my ward is really good at violin and has a recital that she needed an accompanist for. My mom is incredible at piano but it was kinda short notice, so she has been practicing basically 24/7 to get ready for it. (She says she's never playing another Bach piece in her life, haha)

Day #92: CLOSE-UP
One of our (very) few Easter decorations that sits atop our piano.

Day #93: FOOD
Because we have all been so busy, my sister and I dyed eggs on the Tuesday after Easter because I had a choir competition so I didn't go to volleyball, so I got home earlier, so that was when we had time. As you can see, we are BYU fans. Although I took this picture before the Quarter Finals, I'd like to think that this helped the BYU men's volleyball team beat Long Beach State! :)

This is a chair at our house that is badly in need of a re-finish, but it has so many little details on it that I can't bring myself to actually sand it down.

Day #95: PEOPLE
One of my brothers (not this one) graduated from BYU on Friday. This is his son and as soon as we were out of the building he (my nephew) ran over to this little hill of grass and started rolling down it. 

These are some lace curtains that I bought from D.I. a little bit ago and finally did something with them! (hint, hint.)

I put this under dramatic light because of the dramatic contrast. I have this black velvet clutch purse with this gold embroidery on it and I've always thought it was cool.

Day #98: COLORS
This is my new favorite nail polish! (beside my minty blue) My toes are this color and I get compliments on them all the time. :)

Is it just me, or do you ALWAYS stick these little USB plugs in the wrong way? No matter what way I think it was last time, or turn it, I swear I'm wrong 90% of the time.

*****Day #100*****: COLORS
This is also a sneak-peek of a project that I am SOOOO excited for! :) I think this color is fabulous!

Bless the person who invented 12X12 filing drawers! I would be lost without them! Having drawers allows you to keep a mess in them, and still tuck it away so no one can see...genius.

I'm taking a bit of--shall we say--artistic license calling this a reflection. Really it's a symbol of ME reflecting on why in the world this test means so much to colleges. I got a 28 and it was my first time taking it so I'm pretty pleased, but I just don't get why they would place so much emphasis on a test that tests how well you test, instead of developing a test to test what you know... anyway.

Day #103: NATURE
I'm always trying to get a good pic of this little guy when he's licking is paws like this and I never can get a good one. I just think he looks hilarious.

This was amazing. I go to D.I. and I was looking for old dresses with potential. Then I wander to the frames area because I always look at the frames and as I turn the corner to the isle, I see a round frame. I pick it up and lo-and-behold, it is a volleyball. You can't find stuff like this in NORMAL stores, EVER. I was sooooo excited and it was only a dollar! :) hurray for thrifting! :)

wow...I'll be impressed if anyone actually read that whole thing. I'm sorry to report that I can't post next week because I'll be in Reno but then that should be the last time I really have and excuse not to post!