Saturday, December 31, 2011


i started selling some stuff...

my website is

check it out!

if you want...

or don't, i don't really care. but i sorta do... :)

just thought i'd let ya'll know!


Friday, December 30, 2011

Fashion #2

This one i think is pretty darn awesome. I love the red and turquoise together because it seems to be such an unusual combination. I couldn't believe it when i found this necklace that (i think) matches so well!
here's a little cow girl outfit for ya! i love this style. i couldn't find the right sweater that was open, so i thought everyone could just imagine it in their heads! :) I think the belt would look cute over the sweater and the dress too, if you wore it right. i really love the boots with the little leg warmers, and i think the slouchy leather purse works well too.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

What to Work on Weekly...

My family decided to try something for this new year. because our lives are so darn hectic, we have FHE on Sunday nights instead of Monday nights.

So, each week on Sunday, we'll choose something to work on to be better for that week. My sister came up with the idea to just do it for nine weeks using the 9 be's that Pres. Hinckley mentions in his book "Way to Be."

But then my mom found this website (i'll let you know in a few days) that has 52 things to work on. (for those of you that don't know, that's all the weeks in a year...okay, okay, i had to look it up too :) haha.)

so each week we'll be working on something new. and of course that doesn't automatically mean that you stop working on all the other stuff, you just keep building and building!

by the end of this no one will be perfect BY ANY MEANS, but if we're one step closer to being like our Heavenly Father, i'm okay with that! I'll be posting each week what my family is working on, and you are MORE than welcome to join in! :)

oh, and merry christmas to you all! :)


Thursday, December 22, 2011


I know this is a little random, but I am into fashion and even though I can't afford a lot of the things that I would like to, making it work with what you have is more fun.

this is NOT what I have, it's just my fantasy fashion world. oh how I love leather jackets. I also love scarves. and feather headbands. so yeah.
this is my love. not necessarily clothes, but teal. I LOVE turquoise, teal, aquamarine, you get the point. mixed with gold. it's even better. and I have a thing for feather earrings.
I think maybe i'll start doing a weekly fashion post. I'll make a couple new ones each week and post them here...yeah! that's a good idea. alright, it's settled! :)

I hope you are all having a good week leading up to CHRISTmas. don't let stress ruin the true spirit! it's not worth it! :) 


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Temple Square.

oh how i love the holidays! :)
i went to temple square with my three brothers, two sister-in-laws, and one sister tonight.

nothing compares with walking around in the freezing cold and seeing the light at temple square.

this giant tree always amazes me!
"who does these anyway?"
"the senior missionaries, duh."
haha, the above conversation happened however, it WAS a joke. if you don't get it, sorry. :)

you can't go to temple square lights without seeing this classic tree.

the temple! with pretty lights!

oh how i love the salt lake temple. i could take pictures of it ALL day long!

see? toldja! :) if you've never been and you have a chance, GO. it's soooo awesome! all the nativities that they have set up are awesome as well. those were my nephew's very favorite!


Re-Done DI Frame

this is what it looks like in the end W/O THE PICTURE. (i'm sure you needed that bolded because you just really couldn't tell if there was a picture there or not.

i purchased this frame at DI for $1. That's right, folks, one dollar. 

i taped over the glass like so because the glass on this frame was glued in.

i did a quick coat of normal acrylic paint to kind of set it up.

because i'm impatient, i definitely use a hair dryer to dry the paint. it works, i promise.

when that was done, i painted the raised pieces of wood black.

the part that i don't have a picture of is me in the garage spray painting this frame after i had dried and taped the black strips on the frame. i also used a hair dryer out there to make it dry quickly.

on my trusty cricket i printed out different fonts of the words "stop and smell the roses"

me being the spacey girl that i am, i thought that i wanted to paint the letters on.

this is after it was painted and when i took the paper off...DUH! it looked terrible, the paint had bled everywhere, i didn't want to take a picture of it. that's how BAD it was.

so i went back to this step. i painted it again with approximately 64 layers of acrylic paint and then exactly 243 layers of spray paint. in all, i think i increased the thickness of this baby by at least two inches.

i finally just cut out the words on black paper with my cricket, and modge podged them on. it was  pretty intense. how i finished in one day, i'm still not sure.

this is the end result and i have the most adorable picture to put in it. my nephew is bending over, sticking his nose inside a flower at temple square. i'm still not sure if i should give it to my sister-in-law, or maybe my mom (his grandma). hmmm...we'll see. all the underneath layers of paint will dry before Christmas. next year. if i'm lucky. :)


Friday, December 16, 2011


this is the area above the pianissimo... :)
here are the stockings which are made of felt and STRICTLY ornamental
these are giant pine cones that i put on the top of our wall that separates our living room and kitchen. i weaved gold ribbon around them which you can't see too well in this picture...
 these red dishes on top of the piano were my grandmas. she died before i was born and my mom never found anything to do with them.
 ...until now... :)

i'm really loving the red and gold combination going on here... :)


Homemade snuggie

this is my snuggie!!!!...kind of thing...i made this robe in my 8th grade sewing class. it's gotten way too short since i apparently just like to grow, and grow, and grow, and grow...and keep growing... oh, sorry. anyway, so joanns had a sale on fleece and i bought some.
i realize that it's a little too long, but i need it to cover my feet even when i'm laying down and stuff!!! :) this baby was quite the hit at girls camp. a tall easter egg monster is waiting behind a tree to jump at you... :)

xoxo CPTVPT 

Rainbow colors...

now i'm not gonna pretend that i like to clean or that my drawers always look like this, but last night i got on a cleaning about 11:30 at night. 
 i knew that if i felt like cleaning, i HAD to take advantage of it, because it is a rare feeling to actually want to clean my mess i call a room. however, when i do clean, i do it right. shirts organized in rainbow order, every little piece put in its place, VACUUMING the floor...hold applause to the end...
i'm not showing my whole room, however, because at about 12:15 i realized that i had to go to school the next morning so, i'd better quit. it will be clean before christmas though...there's almost nothing worse to me than having a messy room at christmas...who knows why?!?!

random, i know, but...happy blogging!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving!! :)

..this means family
and food...
 and pretty flowers...
I'm so grateful for all of these things, plus my camera
my sewing machine
my education
my faith and testimony
my ability to play volleyball
my home
my parents and everything they do for me
my savior
the temple
the mountains and nature
my clothes
my bed
support from my parents
mario-kart wii with brothers
a mom who can sew (and taught me)
my sister serving a mission
modern medical science
and a whole lot of other things that i can't think of right now... :) 


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Re-Done Tables

This might get a little wordy... i told you how we wanted to redo our tables? so this is what it looked like before

here is the sanded one
 this is a picture of all four of the tables we were re-doing...
 here's where my story comes in. we were using a 2-in-1 stain and top coat, and my mom and i being the amateurs that we are, forgot to stir it! So we did the first layer and it was fine, then we did the second layer a few days later, and for the first table it was fine too. for the next three, we started getting down to the stain that had settled to the bottom. by the end, we were literally trying to spread TAR onto the tables!

this is after the first layer on our big table
 first layer on the small tables...
 second layers is PERFECT color on this table....
 because we didn't stir, most of what was at the top was the polyurethane coat. so this table is unbelievably's reflecting the door like a mirror for heaven's sakes!! :) haha
 this is the second layer. you can see that it is completely matte and a TON darker. this was the last table we did the second coat on...
 this one didn't turn out quite as bad so my mom decided it was fine because she didn't want to sand it again and everything...
this is the darkest table re-sanded...we are going to re-stain it and we will REMEMBER TO STIR THE STAIN!!!! :) it's the simple things that make life sooooo much easier!!! :)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


...fabric?!? my dad just showed me this article about this woman in germany who has made a fabric purely out of milk!

read the article here.

wow...i just think that's awesome! a silk-like fabric that can be washed like cotton...i WANT some!! :) that probably won't happen for a while though...darn it. :)


Sunday, November 13, 2011


I've been making a whole bunch of cards today. It was nice to have a day to just sit down and work on something besides homework. :)

I was making cards because ten minutes before she needs it my mom will ask me to make a card for something and then I end up putting something together that doesn't look good at all. so I made some wedding ones, and some grateful ones and a couple "just because" cards.

anyway, just thought i'd share... :)


Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

Because it's Veterans Day today, i thought i'd just share how thankful i am for all the men and women who have fought previously, and who are fighting for us today.
"only two defining forces who have ever offered to die for you, Christ, and the american soldier. one died for your soul, the other died for your freedom." 

i took this picture a couple weeks ago when i went to visit my sister at college at BYU-Idaho. this is the Rexburg temple and there was a flag pole right in front of it and there was a beautiful breeze blowing the flag and i just had to take a picture with Moroni in it. :)

 hopefully we can all make it a bigger part of our lives to be thankful for these brave men and women. happy veterans day!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Newspaper Nails

okay, so i know these are kind of everywhere at the moment, but i heard about them a couple days ago when a friend told me how to do them! 
 (excuse the sloppy paint job, i took the pictures before i used remover to make them look a little neater)
these are super easy! you just need white or light-colored finger nail polish, newspaper, and some rubbing alcohol!

tip #1: let the polish dry ALL THE WAY before doing the rest

tip #2: cut the newspaper you are using into squares about 1"X1"... this will make it MUCH easier to put them on your nails (i just had the huge page and it kept getting in the way)

tip #3: just use a q-tip to apply the rubbing alcohol and then immediately put the paper on top and press down (more pressing if you want it darker, less pressing if you want it lighter)

that's it! super duper easy peasy! :)


Saturday, November 5, 2011


...i've had such a busy week! our volleyball team went to state, and did NOT do well. we lost both our games so we are out of the tournament. it stinks but to be honest, i'm glad it's over. my experience with school volleyball has NOT been a good one this year.  

but oh well... did anyone see the SNOW?!!?!? wow, i was not expecting it!
even though the weather report said it was going to...i'm sure it will probably melt before it starts to really snow, but it just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that the holidays are near!!! i love this time of year!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall :)

have i ever mentioned how much i love fall? because i do. this is my nephew...
 look at the pure joy...
 ...all from a pile of leaves
being tossed

yeah, i love fall.